
January 9, 2018

New Year, New Coffee, New Tea!

Royal NY Traders
Royal NY Traders
Trader Group

It’s our first blog post of 2018! In celebration, we wanted to share some new coffee and tea we are excited about offering in the new year!

Organic Rwanda Coopac RFA Fair Trade (GP)

Joe Borg: Trader, Certified Q Grader

I enjoy this coffee for a multitude of reasons, but mostly because of the sweet acidic and clean profile this coffee brings to the cup. I taste tart, without being mouth puckering rhubarb, sweet limeade and honey. Besides the deliciousness this coffee is, the Coopac cooperative does great things for its members and the environment by managing and operating environmentally friendly washing stations that filter off waste by-products from coffee processing for use as fertilizer instead of emptying this waste into neighboring rivers and lakes. When a coffee tastes great and uses environmentally sustainable practices, it’s a win-win for me!

NJ: 212 Bags, Ref# 33501,  Notes of rhubarb, limeade, and honey.

specialty washed coffee being produced at the Coopac cooperative in Rwanda

Burundi A Kawazamurabawe Coop- Horezo Washing Station (E)

The Burundi A Kawazamurabawe is such a refreshing, sweet coffee to drink during the harsh cold winter days. It’s an escape from reality and it makes you picture a warm tropical climate. It has a perfect balance of acidity and sweetness with some lime & grapefruit notes, paired with a sweet peach and brown sugar flavors as well. To top it off, the body is juicy and silky… what more can you ask for? Not only is this coffee great to drink, but it’s fun to pronounce as well! Try saying Kawazamurabawe a few times in a row!

NJ: 210 Bags, Ref# 37040, Notes of lime, white grapefruit, and peach

specialty washed coffee being produced at the Horezo Washing Station in Burundi

Organic Sumatra Aceh Ketiara

If you were to tell 20 year old Ana, just starting out in coffee, that someday, she would love to drink wet hulled process coffee, she wouldn’t believe you. She would also be like “why are you telling me things about my future self?” Anyway, over the years, I have grown to love wet hulled coffees and have become an admirer of the women lead Ketiara Coooperative in Aceh, Indonesia. 

Most of the producers that contribute to the Ketiara Co-op are widows who lost their husbands in the 2003 civil war and the co-op is a shining example of women being leaders in the male dominated industry of coffee production.  This coffee features the characteristics you expect from Sumatra coffees and is great as a blender or to highlight as a single origin.  It is currently available in our Florida warehouse, but we will be receiving a new shipment to New Jersey in late February! Stay tuned and ask your trader for more details!

FL: 59 Bags, Ref#35906, Notes of bakers chocolate, with hints of black pepper and a pine finish.

Future NJ Shipments: Ref #37646

Specialty coffee being picked at Aceh Ketiara in Sumatra

Colombia Nariño Excelso- Miguel Angel Dominguez (GP)

Visiting Don Miguel’s farm in July was a fantastic opportunity to see what a top-notch coffee farm looks like. At almost 2,100 meters above sea level, the farm is one of the higher ones we source from, and this definitely shows in the cup. This coffee has a nice, bright note of citrus with a smooth, sweet caramel body. Don Miguel is working hard to get his farm to be certified Organic, and has pioneered a fascinating worm-based compost system for his farm, which he’s looking to improve upon to continue making his fertilizer. I’m really excited to see what happens next, and am confident that you’ll like this coffee as much as I do.

NJ: 13 Bags, Ref #35917, Notes of line, caramel, and orange

Specialty coffee producer Miguel Angel Dominguez

2017 Nan Nuo Shan 100g Puer Cake

This is the second year we bought this tea from the same farmer, using same plot of trees.  A great value tea with a ton of complexity.  Notes of tobacco, vanilla and honeysuckle.

More Information

Royal Tea New York's 2017 Nan Nuo Shan 100g Puer Cake


Gong Fu Black Tea

Gong Fu means “with skill” and refers to the special care taken in processing this black tea variety. Unlike other black tea processing, crafting Gong Fu Black tea incorporates a humidity step, further developing the complexity of the leaf. Though Gong Fu black teas traditionally hail from Fujian Province, we sourced this gem from Yunnan since we were so impressed with its flavor. Gong Fu Black has notes of rose, malt and honey

More Information

Royal Tea New York's gong fu black tea


Please reach out to tradingdesk@royalny.com (coffee) or info@royaltea.com (tea) if you have any questions about these recommendations!

Happy New Year!

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